Finally and because you asked for it, we launched the new Flow Absorbent Pantys, designed to absorb your menstrual period and make you feel calm and fluid. These pantyhose are ideal for you if:
You still have nerves in the menstrual cup and you want to try an external method.
You have just developed and you want a sustainable method.
You're tired of disposable hygienic towels.
Do you want to sleep peacefully and worry-free?
You are in maternity or postpartum period. The Flow Pantys are the perfect complement to the Flow menstrual cup, either for those first months of learning with the cup or for the last days of the period where we have a light flow. If you still don't want to buy the glass, go ahead and take it with your pantyhose so that you have a smooth process.
Tampons and disposable towels contain chemicals that, in addition to contaminating the planet, contaminate your vagina and body. Absorbing chemicals such as phthalates, glycoside, (the Monsanto herbicide classified as 'probable cancer' by the International Cancer Research Center) asbestos, rayon, dioxin, among others, is not a good idea for your body and can be harmful to your health (checked by the Department of Health and Human Services and the United States International Office for With Flow absorbent pantyhose you avoid any type of exposure to chemicals that are harmful to your health.
The Flow Pantys are reused and last up to 2 years and with this you are contributing to reducing the contamination of disposable products that usually take up to 500 years to degrade. A woman is on average 40 years old and uses about 30 towels or tampons in a month:
30 (disposable towels) x 12 (months) = 360 disposable towels per year
360 (disposable towels) x 40 (years of fertile life) = 14,400 disposable towels for each woman
*Fun fact: THE waste of a lifetime of A WOMAN is equivalent to the 🦛 WEIGHT OF A HYPOPÓTAMO 🦛 average. Now, do you know how many women we are on average currently menstruating? There are 1.8 billion!
Due to the useful life of the pantys, you will save money because you will stop buying disposable products month by month.
Suffering from menstruation is now an option and you can choose to get rid of pain. Both the absorbent pantys and the menstrual cup change the way you live the menstrual period and allow you to experience it in a natural, free and fluid way. The methods of the past were uncomfortable for our great-grandmothers, grandmothers and mothers. In this generation, we are changing the rules with flow!
Las niñas y los adolescentes son cada vez más conscientes del uso de métodos sostenibles. A partir de los 13 años, generalmente se sienten listos para usar la copa menstrual, pero antes de eso puede ser ideal usar una braga menstrual para que sepan la cantidad de sangrado y se sientan familiarizados.
Flow absorbent pantys not only help during the menstrual period: due to their soft, anti-fluid materials and state-of-the-art technology, they are a great option during maternity. We know that there are small accidents, that's why pantyhose help you to be dry, safe and calm not only during the months of pregnancy but also in the postpartum period.
*They are also suitable for mild incontinence. *See Hormone-free planning method Diaphragm Caya
Wash your panty to ensure better absorption from the beginning. You can use our Flow Cleaner, Free of parabens.
Our Flow absorbent pantys are technological pantys that absorb menstruation, vaginal fluids and small overflows of urine. During use you will have a slight feeling of natural moisture due to the constant absorbed flow. You will know that it is time to change it when this humidity becomes too permanent. Change your pantyhose depending on the intensity of flow you have.
The maximum time of use of the pantyhose is 8 hours.
For a longer duration of the product, we recommend:
Wash by hand. (In a delicate cycle washing machine and cold water)
Dry in the environment
Do not twist or squeeze
Wash with similar colors
Do not soak
Do not iron
Wash with cold water Do not use bleach or softeners. The softener leaves a spectacular smell on the clothes and for this it adheres to the fabrics. The problem is that when impregnating the garment, the cap and the fabric cannot do its function of absorbing.
THREE TEXTILE LAYERS What is your function?
1. Cotton: In contact with zone V, this is hypoallergenic tissue recommended by gynecologists. 2. PUL fabric: Absorbent, water-repellent, antibacterial and breathable, this fabric is hidden between the cotton and the external fabric. 3. Polyester microfiber: The outer layer of the garment is soft to the touch and very light, Same as with other products for the period.
The number of hours you can wear the Pantys Flow depends on several factors:
The amount of period or vaginal discharge you have.
The time of the cycle when you use them.
The use you give them: as a single product or as a protector (combining them with a tampon or a menstrual cup, for example)
Ultra absorbent
Antimicrobial (controls the proliferation of fungi and bacteria)
It does not generate bad odors
Take care of the planet
Absorbs up to 8 hours
Designed to make you flow
Never use if they are humid: humidity is an environment for infections
Includes waterproof bag*
😍Remember that you can take the Flowbag aside and store your Flow products.